All people are equal before the Constitution and the law and have the right to equal treatment and protection, without discrimination. The state has to provide efficient protection from all forms of discrimination and equal access to justice for all. The primary objective is promotion of the legislation towards complete implementation of international standards in this field. The Committee’s strategic goal is further strengthening of the protection mechanisms and creation of practical preconditions for identification, prevention and sanctioning of discrimination cases as well as provision of access to justice.
The Committee monitors the work of equality bodies, courts and other institutions involved in the protection against discrimination. It continuously undertakes activities related to discrimination against the LGBTI community, discrimination on the ground of ethnicity, religious beliefs, sex and gender, bodily and intellectual disability, political affiliation and beliefs and other grounds. In addition to acting in cases of individual and collective petitions, the Committee also offers representation before domestic and international courts and other mechanisms for protection against discrimination.
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights is part of the Network for Protection against Discrimination established in December 2010 towards developing strategic representation in discrimination cases.