Free Legal Aid

The Helsinki Committee is an association authorized to provide legal assistance, listed in the State Register of Preliminary Legal Aid. If you need legal counseling, you can call the free telephone line and talk to a legal advisor from the Committee.

If the legal counseling requires further action from the Helsinki Committee, you can download and fill in the Request for Free Legal Assistance through our website – or directly in our office. Please attach copies of all the documents related to your case along with the request. In case you are not able to make photocopies, we can do that in our office. After sending the request by post, via e-mail or through direct submission in our office, you will be assigned a legal advisor to work on your case.

Phone numbers for reporting are : 02 3119073 and 02 3290 469

Depending on the case, and only with your consent, the Helsinki Committee may provide counseling, support and representation before the state bodies (but not the state courts) and inform the public about severe violations of human rights.

Form for Free Legal Aid (online)

The Helsinki Committee provides legal assistance in the following areas:

  • Protection against discrimination
  • Right to life
  • Protection against torture and ill-treatment
  • Protection against unlawful deprivation of liberty
  • Rights to social protection
  • Rights of people with physical, mental, intellectual or sensory disabilities
  • Equality between men and women
  • Right to religion
  • Freedom of speech and information
  • Protection of personal data and privacy
  • Freedom of association and protest
  • Freedom of movement
  • Right to healthcare
  • Rights of children and young people
  • Right to education
  • Rights of members of marginalized communities
  • Rights of members of vulnerable communities
  • Protection against domestic violence
  • Right to fair trial within a reasonable time
  • Right to asylum Election-related rights

The Helsinki Committee does not provide legal aid in the following areas:

  • Right to property (unless it is violated by the state)
  • Financial liabilities (with the exception of obvious irregularities or violation of social protection)
  • Protection of families (except in cases of domestic violence and violation of the rights of the child)
  • Contractual relations between physical persons and legal entities (except in cases of violation of rights by the state)
  • Copyright and industrial property
  • Insolvency proceedings Pension and disability insurance (except in cases of violation of rights by the state)
  • Misdemeanors (except in cases of violation of rights by the state)
  • Rights and obligations of political parties Rights and obligations in foreign countries


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Дали работодавачот смее да исплаќа плата што е помала од минималната плата?

Дали фирмите се ослободени од плаќање плати и придонеси поради пандемијата?

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Дали работодавачите се ослободени од плаќање плати и придонеси поради пандемијата?

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