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The informational content of the website, among other, is a part of the database of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. The database is the ownership of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in accordance to the Law on Protection of Copyrights and Related Rights,[1] domestic and international legislation, as well as the prescribed standards and as such is protected as an independent copyright work.

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  • the source must be cited;
  • if the user has an electronic media, it is necessary to provide a link to the content published by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (one option would be to state the following at the end of the shared text: “You can read the full text here, hyperlinking the word “here” to lead to the original material published by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.)

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For any use or reproduction of the contents shared on this website which is not the copyright of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, please contact the organizations or individuals who own the copyrights of these.

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The users confirms their consent that the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights has no monitoring over or obligation to undertake any actions nor is it deemed liable regarding the following factors:

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If the terms are violated, the appropriate legal measures would be undertaken by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights against the offenders.

[1] Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 115/10, 140/10, 51/11, 147/13, 154/15 and 27/16.