March 31, 2020

KOVID-19 / You still have rights in an emergency

In times of emergency, the government may act beyond what would be allowed in normal circumstances. However, the state of emergency must not be an excuse for the authorities to violate human rights.

The undertaken measures must not deviate from the obligation to protect the most vulnerable categories, that is, those most affected by the introduction of an emergency. This applies to people with low income, the isolated rural population, people with serious health conditions, people with disabilities, homeless people and elderly persons living alone or in any institution.

Human rights and freedoms must be considered when deciding for undertaking of measures during this condition.

In a certain sense, recourse to an emergency situation represents a transition from rule to the exception. The concept of urgency is based on the idea of ​​sudden and unexpected occurrence, as the current situation with COVID-19, whose effects lead to taking the unusual legal and political responses. Therefore, the reaction should be efficient and the undertaken measures must be properly targeted to give the desired results.

During the emergency situation, the state cannot arbitrarily prevent the enjoyment of human rights, or arbitrarily restrict human freedoms, of which provision and protection it is responsible.

Measures should be taken strictly in accordance with the requirements imposed by the situation.

According to domestic and international standards, restrictions on rights and freedoms in any case shall not discriminate on grounds of sex, race, color, language, religion, national or social origin, property or social status.

Arbitrary intervention would be contrary to the public interest and the common good, and decrees with the force od a law, that the Government adopts, would be contrary to international law.


Reports of the Helsinki Committee on measures related to the prevention of COVID-19:

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април 1, 2020
Известување до јавноста за поднесени препораки до надлежните институции за заштита на лицата лишени од слобода во услови на пандемија на вирусот КОВИД 19