Overview of the Analysis of measuring the level of satisfaction with mechanisms safeguarding workers’ rights in the Republic of North Macedonia
November 4, 2019

The overview summarized the most relevant findings from the Analysis of measuring the level of satisfaction with mechanisms safeguarding workers’ rights in the Republic of North Macedonia and its aim is to stimulate the general public to get familiar with the content of the analysis. The analysis studies the structural setting of the Macedonian economy and the labour situation in the country.
The overview reviews the institutional safeguarding mechanisms on national level and shows the level of satisfaction among citizens for each of the mechanism individually. In addition, the findings are complemented with data from focus groups in relation to protection efficiency. It includes statements from participants to focus groups composed of textile workers, trade unions representatives and institutions.
This overview of the analysis has been prepared within the project “Improved Productivity through Better Labour Legislation in the North Macedonia” funded by the Good Governance Fund of Great Britain, and supported by the British Embassy in Skopje. The opinion and positions presented in this content do not necessary present the opinion and positions of the Government of the United Kingdom.