July 2, 2024

The probation service is a separate organizational unit established within the Administra- tion for the Execution of Sanctions at the Ministry of Justice. The service supervises the execution of non-custodial sentences, more specifically, the alternative measures: proba- tion with protective supervision, community service and house arrest, as well as the execu- tion of parole, imposed by court decision. The probation service supervises convicted persons and offers them support, and the goal is to maintain safety in the community by improving the resocialization and reintegration of persons on probation, as well as to reduce the prison population. Also, the probation service is responsible for preparing reports on the risk assessment of accused persons during court proceedings with a propos- al for the type of criminal sanction for the accused. The probation service is an essential part of the modern criminal justice system and aims to contribute to the reduction of over- crowding in the prison system, while giving appropriate sentences to offenders, causing them to change their way of life.
In 2021, the Strategy for the Development of the Probation Service in RNM 2021-2025 (hereinafter: the Strategy) was prepared, which foresees a wide range of results to be achieved by several competent institutions. The strategy is a comprehensive strategic doc- ument that provides a roadmap for the reforms to be made in the coming period.
The purpose of this analysis is to examine in more detail the implementation of the Strate- gy and to establish and implement an independent monitoring system. Probation itself, in fact, means the establishment of an efficient system of sanctions and protective mecha- nisms that contribute to the reduction of criminality, increasing the protection of society and public safety, as well as to the resocialization and reintegration of convicted persons.
In the period 2023, the implementation of the Strategy envisages the drafting and adop- tion of regulations (laws, legal amendments and other acts), the implementation of specific activities (for example, increasing the human and technical capacities of the probation service, etc.), as well as inter-institutional cooperation in the field on probation (holding round tables with relevant institutions, quarterly meetings, etc.).
With the Action Plan of the Strategy for the Development of the Probation Service in the Republic of North Macedonia, the activities within each goal and result determined by the
Strategy are determined, and in addition, a time frame and indicators for their fulfillment are determined. In that direction, the purpose of this analysis is to assess whether, to what extent and in what manner the implementation of the Strategy is taking place for the period for which it is foreseen. In addition, the analysis will evaluate whether the results and activities are implemented in a timely manner, in accordance with the time frame, what is their quality and the dynamics and inter-institutional cooperation in the field of probation. On the other hand, the impact of the reforms on respect for human rights will be analyzed, so in accordance with the results obtained from the monitoring of the Strate- gy, the Analysis will also offer conclusions and recommendations for the further develop- ment of the probation service.
The observation, as an independent monitoring system, will contribute to greater account- ability of the competent institutions that are responsible for implementing the specific activities determined in the Strategy.