Analysis of the situation of people with intellectual disability and combined disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia November 14, 2017 Categories: Analizes
Analysis of the situation of people with physical disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia November 14, 2017 Categories: Analizes
Analysis of the legal framework for the protection of the rights of the LGBTI community September 25, 2017 Categories: Analizes
The LGBTI Support Centre, supported by an institutional grant under the Civica Mobilitas program, prepared an Analysis of the Legal Framework for LGBTI People. September 8, 2017 Categories: Analizes
Analysis of the public policies on the rights of the roma in the Republic of Macedonia July 5, 2017 Categories: Analizes
Special report on identified and possible crimes committed during the violent attack on the Assembly on 27 april 2017 May 5, 2017 Categories: Analizes
Refugees Rights: National and international standards vis-a-vis the situation on the ground January 16, 2017 Categories: Analizes