The fifth March of Tolerance has been held
November 18, 2013

On the 16th of November 2013, the Helsinki Committee for human rights of the Republic of Macedonia and the LGBTI Support Centre, in cooperation with fourteen other civil organizations, held the March of Tolerance for the fifth time, decisively saying NO to violence, which is becoming a part of everyday life in our society.The March, with the slogan “Macedonia has love for all – Violence didn’t start and won’t end with me!” and whose goal was to mark the International Day of Tolerance, was dedicated to the right to life free from violence.
Symbolically, in five minutes before 12 o’clock, in front of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, this year’s March started with short statements by representatives of all participating organizations, where they spoke of the challenges of violent behavior they face everyday in the scope of their work. Even though the speeches were different, the message was the same – NO to violence, NO to the silence of the institutions, NO to impunity of perpetrators!
From there, the group headed toward the center of the city, crossed the Stone Bridge and arrived the plateau before the department store Most, where the first part of the event ended with a cultural and artistic program, poetry and music.The marking of the International Day of Tolerance ended with a projection of short films and a debate, after which there was a short cocktail and party.We are happy to announce that the March had gone peacefully and with no incidents.The Helsinki Committee and the LGBTI Support Center welcome the professionalism and good cooperation with the police officers from the Sector for Internal Affairs Skopje, a part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.The presence of police officers, with their good organization and high visibility during the entire event proved sufficient to avoid any incidents which may have threatened the successful organization of the March.
The civil organizations that decided to stand together with the Helsinki Committee and LGBTI Support Center against violence and impunity are the following:H.E.R.A. – Health education and research association, Coalition “Sexual and health rights of marginalized communities”, Tiiit! Inc.- women’s movement, Subversive Front – association for critical approach toward gender and sexuality, STAR – STAR – civil initiative for promotion of the rights of sex workers, Terra Floria – association for environmental protection, Parkobrani, the National network against violence towards women and domestic violence, HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje, Anima Mundi – Association for protection of animals, NRC – National Roma Center, Civil – Center for freedom, Plostad Sloboda and MOF – Youth Educational Forum.
You can view the gallery from the event on the following link