Prof. Dr. Bekim Kadriu, a Member of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination Distances Himself from the Opinion about Milenko Nedelkovski

December 9, 2016

Following the announcement of the Network for Protection against Discrimination regarding the opinion of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination (CPD, Mac. КЗД) about Milenko Nedelkovski, Prof. Dr. Bekim Kadriu, a Commission member, sent a reply to the Network in which he publicly distanced himself from the opinion.

On 06.12.2016, the Network for Protection against Discrimination, in a public announcement found CPD’s opinion, which didn’t establish discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in “Milenko Nedelkovski Show”, as contrary to the Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination and as a frivolous and an approximate interpretation of laws of the Republic of Macedonia for the purpose of finding arguments in defense of Milenko Nedelkovski.

After the sent statement, Commission member Prof. Dr. Bekim Kadriu distanced himself from the opinion:

“As a member of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination, I have to publicly distance myself from the “letter” written and signed by the President of the Commission upon complaint number 03-1307 form 2016.

Firstly, the President’s letter does not reflect the Commission’s position on the matter. The letter is not a decision, not an opinion nor is it a conclusion. Thus, this “letter” is not adopted at the Commission’s session but is an expression of the President’s personal opinion.

Secondly, by terminating the proceedings on the complaint in this manner, without the Commission’s adoption of an opinion as a collective body, the President is abusing and usurping the authority of the Commission.

Thirdly, in terms of the content, as a member of the committee, I do not agree with many parts of the “letter” for which, if it remains the way it is, I shall create and submit a separate opinion.

I am confident that my attitude is shared by other Commission members as well”, stated Kadriu.

This confirmed our suspicion that CPD’s President Aleksandar Dashtevski, operates against the Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination, does not respect the independence guaranteed by law and uses his authority as President of the institution for the defense of discriminators close to the government.

The Network for Protection against Discrimination calls the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to dismiss Aleksandar Dashtevski as President of CPD immediately after the elections, as well as other members who do not meet the criteria for independence and expertise and to organize transparent elections for a new formation of the Commission in order for this institution to start functioning in accordance with the law and to provide effective protection against discrimination for citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

After the formation of the new Assembly, the Network will send a request to members of parliament to dismiss Aleksandar Dashtevski due to misconduct and unprofessional and unethical performance in office.