Recommendations to Macedonia regarding violations of rights of the Roma September 4, 2015 Categories: News, Report discrimination, Rule of law
Migrants on the Macedonian-Greek border: Victims of inhuman and degrading treatment August 21, 2015 Categories: News, Report discrimination, Rule of law
Gruevski does not have the credibility to organize and carry out census August 3, 2015 Categories: News, Rule of law
Recommendations to Macedonia regarding violations of political and civil rights July 24, 2015 Categories: News, Rule of law
The state is bound to protect the migrants June 15, 2015 Categories: Equal opportunities, Report discrimination, Rule of law
Unconstitutional motion for appointing new Minister of Interior May 13, 2015 Categories: News, Rule of law, Torture and inhumane treatment
Demonstrations in front of the Government for the cover-up of the murder of Martin Neshkoski May 6, 2015 Categories: News, Rule of law, Torture and inhumane treatment
The authorities do not respect the human rights of the young people May 1, 2015 Categories: Equal opportunities, Rule of law
Open Office: Voting Rights Violations – Local Referendum on the GTC, Center Municipality April 26, 2015 Categories: News, Rule of law