Visit to the special institutions and psychiatric hospitals in Macedonia
February 12, 2013
Report on the visit of the Helsinki Committee to the special institutions and psychiatric hospitals in the Republic of Macedonia for 2011 and 2012
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in July 2011 started with the implementation of the project “Monitoring the Implementation of the National Preventive Mechanism for Prevention of Torture or Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the Territory of the Republic of Macedonia”, financially supported by the Foundation Open Society Institute-Macedonia. The visits were carried out according as follows:
– Visit to the PHI Psychiatric Hospital “Skopje” – Skopje in Bardovci
– Visit to the PHI Psychiatric Hospital in Negorci
– Visit to the Special Institute for severely and profoundly mentally retarded individuals in Demir Kapija
– Visit to the Psychiatric Hospital in Demir Hisar
– At the Institute for protection and rehabilitation Banja Bansko.