The situation at the border crossings Gevgelija and Kumanovo for the period 04.07.2016 – 10.06.2016
July 13, 2016

The weekly report on the situation at the border crossings Gevgelija and Kumanovo includes the following topics: Available facilities and conditions at the camp and Institutional treatment.
Available facilities and conditions
The number of refugees in the camp remains unchanged compared to last week and amounts to 133.
The construction of paved paths through the camp continues.
Deterioration of the hygiene, lack of hygiene products and broken faucets have been observed in the shared toilets for the refugees.
The Helsinki Committee urges the competent services in the camp to maintain the hygiene in the toilets and the entire camp at the highest level, in order to preserve the refugee’s health and not expose them to danger.
Institutional treatment
The refugees who have been staying in the Shelter-Transit Center (STC) Vinojug for an extended period of time and do not have the right to move out of the camp, are in danger of a serious psychological crisis, due to the uncertainty they are faced with and the monotonous life in the camp.
The Helsinki Committee urges the institutions competent for STC Vinojug to take urgent measures to provide some entertainment to the refugees in the camp, as well as ways to allow them to move outside the camp in order to improve and maintain their psychological health.
In the course of the week, around 100 refugees were caught up by the police down illegal roads. In the first case, 95 refugees were found in a truck on the road between villages Smokvica and Prdejci. The refugees were of various origin, i.e. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They were placed in the reception tent in front of the camp, and after they were provided with humanitarian aid by the Red Cross, they were transported to Greek territory. In another case, in the vicinity of the Strumica village of Novo Selo, two refugees originating from India and Pakistan were found. One of the refugees had leg injuries. After he was provided with medical and humanitarian aid by the Red Cross, the two of them were transported to Greek territory.
Available facilities and conditions
The number of refugees in the Transit camp in Tabanovce, Kumanovo, amounts to around 70 refugees and drops on daily basis.
The camp is being upgraded continually. Last week several new showers were set up and several air conditioners were replaced with new ones.
Institutional treatment
The situation in the camp is peaceful and unchanged compared to last week.
The situation in the shelter centers in the Republic of Macedonia
The number of refugees in the Shelter Center for Foreigners in Gazi Baba amounts to 30, while the number of refugees in the Shelter Center for Asylum Seeker – Vizbegovo, shelters 13 refugees at present. The Safe House provides shelter to 14 people.
Irregular migration
In the course of the previous week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs registered a single criminal-legal event related to smuggling of migrants. In the vicinity of the village of Prdejci 96 refugees originating from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria were discovered in a cargo truck. The truck drivers were not found at the crime scene. The refugees were transported to STC Vinojug, and after a brief stay they were transported to Greek territory.
This report is made possible by the generous support of the Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI) within the project „Improvement of the rights protection for migrants and asylum seekers in the Republic of Macedonia“. The contents are the responsibility of the Helsinki Committee for Human rights of the Republic of Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of FOSI.