The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia joined the Access to Justice Network
May 4, 2016

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights is glad to inform the public that, since recently, it has been registered as an authorized civil association for providing free preliminary legal assistance, in pursuance of the Law on Free Legal Aid. With this act, the network of associations that offer free preliminary legal aid, which is a part of the project “Access to Justice in Macedonia”, has expanded.The Helsinki Committee will contribute significantly to bringing free legal aid closer to the citizens of Macedonia. The goal of this project, coordinated by FOSM and supported bu the European Union is to improve and pomote the right to free legal aid, as well as to ensure the access to justice for all citizens, and especially for those who are facing social risks.
During the last four months of the implementation of the project “Access to Justice”, the authorized associations provided free legal aid to more than 250 citizens across the country. This project is of great importance for the associations that offer free legal aid, because it facilitates the realization of the strict conditions envisaged for civil associations in the Law on Free Legal Aid.
Partner organizations within the frame of this project are the following: National Roma Center – Kumanovo, Youth Cultural Center – Bitola, Echo – Shtip, Choice – Strumica, and Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia.
Additionally, a free SOS phone line – 0800 44 222, is available at the Helsinki Committee’s offices. The citizens are welcome to call on each workday from 9 am to 5 pm, in order to ask a question or receive legal information.