Seventh March for Tolerance – “Refugees Without Borders”
November 11, 2015

Following the tradition of commemorating the International Day of Tollerance (16th of November), the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia and the LGBTI Center for Support , this year organize the seventy March for Tolerance. Like the previous years, we dedicate this event to the noted conditions of violating and disrespect of certain rights and freedoms, as well as to the necessity to overcome them. This year’s March for Tolerance is especially dedicated to the situations surrounding the rights and freedoms of the refugees who are transiting through the Republic of Macedonia. The main motto of this March is going to be “REFUGEES WITHOUT BORDERS.” This year, we organize the March for Tolerance jointly with the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia, Civil – Center for Freedom, and Solidarity.
The regard for universality of freedoms and rights should encourage all subjects to political engagement directed toward solidarity with the refugees.
In the past period, thousands of refugees transited through the Republic of Macedonia, heading towards the European countries. On the way to their respective final destinations, in their search for better life, these people are faced with injustice, inhumanity and inequality, resulting from the governing practices in some countries and from their economic and political regimes which threaten the system of European values.
Despite some official statements and certain dose of political declarativity, there is as of yet no common European program for dealing with the huge inflow of refugees on the European continent. In the absence of such program, and especially in the absence of humane politics, the refugees are subjected to dehumanization and infringement of their basic human rights and freedoms.
Therefore, we dedicate this year’s March for Tolerance to the refugees, hoping to thus raise public awareness and to appeal to the authorities to provide human and dignified treatment of the refugees during their transit through Macedonia. Furthermore, we emphasize the necessity to improve the infrastructure of the transit spots and camps, in order to make the refugees’ stay there more tolerable.
The March for Tolerance: Skopje – Saturday – 14 November – 5 minutes to 12 at noon – meeting venue: Museum of the City of Skopje.
Route of the March: Museum of the City of Skopje – Macedonia St. – the plateau in front of the SEE University in the city’s Old Bazaar.