Discrimination based on political beliefs and affiliation
May 9, 2013

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, while monitoring the situation with human rights in the Republic of Macedonia and especially concerning discrimination on all bases in the post-election period of the local elections, registered reports of many cases of alleged discrimination based on political affiliation.
Namely a large number of citizens from different municipalities reported on mass dismissals after the change of the local government and the mayors. The media reported about a large number of cases and some of them were reported to the Committee.
Taking into consideration the above mentioned, in order to protect the constitutional right to political affiliation, political beliefs, equality, right to work and all the other rights established by the Constitution, we appeal to the newly elected mayors of all municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia to respect the principle of equality i.e. nondiscrimination on all bases, including political beliefs and affiliation.
Discrimination based on political beliefs and affiliation is also prohibited with the Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination, according to which the victims of discrimination may seek protection from the Commission for Protection against Discrimination or judicial protection.
Additionally, we call upon all citizens that consider themselves victims of political discrimination to report the case to the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.