Commemorating 18 December, the International Migrants Day
December 18, 2015

On the occasion of the International Day of workers-migrants and members of their families, civil organizations, leftist movements, volunteers, humanitarian organizations and activists from the Republic of Macedonia joined together in founding the transnational movement #STATEOFSOLIDARITY, and took part in peaceful march for reaffirming the European values of all peoples in Europe, under the name “Peace, Democracy, Social Justice and Dignity for All.”
During the march which started in front of the Government and had the EU Headquarters in Skopje as its final destination, the activists appealed for solidarity with all refugees, regardless of the current segregation on economic migrants and refugees coming from crisis areas. They also appealed for political changes in Macedonia. Additionally, messages and recommendations were delivered to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as to the Delegation of the European Union in Skopje.
The program will continue at the GEM club “Menada” in the Old Bazaar, where at 6 PM will commence a public debate on the subject: The Dark Side of the Balkan Rout: Is There Any Legal Protection Available for Those People That Pass Through the Territory of the Republic of Macedonia, and Who at the Same Time Are or Were Victims of Hate Crimes or Trafficking? During the evening hours the discussion will continue, and the public will be able to see a short documentary filmed by people who transited, are transiting through the Republic of Macedonia, or have already reached their desired destination in some of the European Countries.
All those interested in becoming active factors in supporting the development of humanity’s civilizational values through the initiative #STATEOF SOLIDARITY, can acquire additional information at