Legal mechanisms for protection against discrimination
December 26, 2016

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights is implementing the project “Civil Society Support to Cohesion and Diversity Policies”, which is supported by the British Embassy in Skopje. The aim of this project is to improve policies and practices for social cohesion and to improve access to justice, social protection, health, education and quality of life for vulnerable groups through strategic advocacy in cases of discrimination. Through this project, we want to give voice to the invisible in our society, the marginalized and socially excluded groups and communities. Access to justice, especially in cases of discrimination, is almost impossible for vulnerable groups in our society that are often found in social risk. Therefore, we want to provide support to the citizens who, for various reasons, are unable to exercise or protect their rights.
Pursuant to the Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination, the Commission for Protection against Discrimination is an autonomous and independent body processing the complaints on discrimination and provides opinions and recommendations on the specific cases of discrimination. Any person who believes that he/she has suffered discrimination may submit a complaint to the Commission for Protection against Discrimination within three months from the date when the act of discrimination occurred, or not later than one year after finding out about the act of discrimination, without the obligation to pay a fee or any other compensation. The submission may be submitted in writing, in writing, electronically or electronically. You can find the application form electronically here.
Pursuant to the Law on the Ombudsman, the Ombudsman acts in cases of discrimination when it is carried out by the state administration bodies and other bodies and organizations that have public authorizations. The request to initiate proceedings shall be submitted in writing, verbally in official minutes, or electronically. The complainant is exempt from any fees for the proceedings before the Ombudsman. You can find the application form electronically here.
If you need free legal aid to initiate proceedings for protection against discrimination, fill out the free legal aid application and send it to or contact us on 02 / 3119-073 or 078 / 252-812.
For additional information, please visit our website.