Legal empowerment of textile workers for self-advocacy
February 13, 2019

The project, financed by FOSM, aims to prevent and reduce violations of labor rights of textile workers through their legal empowerment and documentation of cases of violation of their labour rights. The legal empowerment will include training of paralegals among the textile workers, which will work on raising awareness and informing the other textile workers regarding their labour rights. The paralegals will provide paralegal aid by documenting cases of violation of labour rights and referring those cases to legal adviser which will address those cases in front of the relevant institutions. The project should encourage and stimulate the self-advocacy of the textile workers in the policy making processes by providing them the opportunity to participate in the working groups for drafting the relevant policies, laws and bylaws and by stimulating the textile workers for establishing trade unions. The activities will also raise awareness through infographics which will inform the general public about the situation of the labour rights of the textile workers and the efficiency of the protective mechanisms.