Empowering local organizations for advocacy on gender equality (as part of the action: Furthering Gender Equality through the EU Accession Process)
July 11, 2022

The overall objective of the Action is to increase participation of local CSOs in creating gender sensitive policies within the EU integration processes through joint advocacy initiatives.
The long term aim is to enable knowledge sharing mechanism to exchange for lessons learned and best practices in advocating local needs and constraints of selected target groups in the EU accession process, particularly gender equality. This long aim will be achieved through direct engagement of target groups (as represented through the selected CSOs) to produce filed-based and evidence-based inputs on selected issues regarding gender equality. In addition, this aim will be achieved through mentorship and direct support to develop and sustain internal capacity to analyse, identify and advocate for key issues within a structured format.
The expected impact of the Action is enabling structured mechanisms of local CSOs in the area of gender equality to successfully engage in policy making processes on national level regarding the EU accession process in the area of gender equality. The main impact will be the means through which local CSOs cooperate and present their work before national institutions and their own constituencies.
”Empowering local organizations for advocacy on gender equality” project, implemented by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights – Skopje, has been supported by Reactor – Research in Action and their partners through the Action “Furthering Gender Equality through the EU Accession Process”. This Action is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.