June 24, 2024

ANALYSIS OF FREE LEGAL AID IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA: Report on improving access to justice based on analyzed data from the database and the monitoring of court proceedings

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, with the support of the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia, began implementing the project ”Improving the Protective Mechanisms for Free Legal Aid and Hate Speech in the Republic of North Macedonia” on January 1, 2023. The goal of the project is to enhance its own capacities in the field of human rights and the rule of law, as well as to promote protective mechanisms for free legal aid and hate speech in the Republic of North Macedonia.

The main goal of implementing this project is to improve access to justice by offering primary legal aid to all natural persons who have a residence or stay in the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia. Additionally, the project aims to enhance access to secondary legal aid for those who meet the criteria outlined in the Law on Free Legal Aid. This can be achieved by submitting requests for secondary legal aid to the Ministry of Justice.

In addition, within the project framework, regular monitoring of court proceedings has been established for cases of primary legal aid provided and cases of public interest, with the aim of monitoring the courts’ work.

Practically, a free legal aid service has been established within the project, available to all persons, especially vulnerable and marginalized communities, with the aim of providing easier access to justice.
